We’re calling it … 3-582 passesThank You!

The ballots are still being counted … but with over 50% tallied and 3-582’s margins holding steady at just over 60% we’re calling a victory for 3-582!

The current tally and margins are being updated on our home page.

Post-election Status

With the passing of this bond measure, the City of West Linn has complied with all of the terms of the Oppenlander Sales Agreement signed by the City and the West Linn-Wilsonville School District in December 2021 and January 2022, respectively.

As you might know, the School District is unhappy with the $120,000 appraisal and has filed a lawsuit to that effect contending the appraisal was not properly performed and was not delivered in a timely fashion. We have been intimate with this process and respectfully disagree with the School District’s assertions.

These disagreements can be worked out in one of two ways … a negotiated settlement between the City and School District – or in court by a judge.

The end result could come in one of three ways … 1) the transaction is upheld and goes through at the currently appraised price; 2) A new price is agreed upon that can be paid for under the terms of the bond measure; 3) A judge rules a much higher price, in which case the City may deem Oppenlander too expensive and could walk from the purchase agreement. We don’t know which way this issue will be resolved.

Next Steps

We feel strongly that the City complied with the exact terms of the mutually signed Sales Agreement … including the passing of the Parks Bond Measure, and the appraisal timing and result.

If the City negotiates above the current appraisal, the funds we the voters approved for capital improvements to parks across the city will be reduced. This in not fair to the citizens at large.

Remember that the property belongs to the citizens whether the City or the School District manages it for us – we’re moving OUR money from one pocket to another.

We must hold the City and the School District to the exact terms of the Sale Agreement … NO re-negotiation of the sales price!

If you have not registered for our email updates please do so here so we can keep you apprised of the progress on completing the sale and the actions you can take to help our elected officials.

Please continue sharing and asking your friends and neighbors to come alongside the 2529 of your neighbors who have already signed at  SaveOppenlander.org

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