It’s Decision Time – Please Help With One More Push of City Council

Thursday is City Council’s once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to decide if West Linn will acquire and preserve
Oppenlander Field for this and future generations use
as a community park for recreational/athletic use.

Executive Session Thursday night … please help them make the “right” decision – “Put It On The Ballot”

Tomorrow night, 6/17, is a key and final moment. City Council is meeting in Executive Session to discuss a real property transaction, Oppenlander.

The School District has again offered Oppenlander Field to the city at a 40% discount to market value as an indication of their commitment to the community to preserve Oppenlander as a Community Park.

It will be thumbs up or thumbs down … there is simply not enough time left to waffle and still make the November ballot, which we believe is when the School District wants this transaction to close. Friends of Oppenlander, on behalf of, and with the support of all of you, has committed to passing the bond measure.

Please Email City Council one more time!
[email protected] goes immediately to all of them with a copy to us so we can record your support.

If you have already emailed, please email again! Share your personal connection with Oppenlander Field.

Please ask City Council to:
• Accept the School District’s offer
• “Put it on the ballot” so the citizens can formally share their support for the bond funding.

A Bit More About Oppenlander

Oppenlander makes up about 25% of the full-size field capacity in West Linn.

Developing Oppenlander will push all of Oppenlander’s usage onto the remaining already crowded fields, remove the biggest city park in central/north West Linn, and add at least 50 more families to the city demanding parks and recreation space for their families.

  • Oppenlander has been part of the Parks & Recreation’s Long term plan since the ’90s
    • 2007 P&R plan (pg 78) … Oppenlander is extremely important to the community because of the field supply it contributes. Owned by the School District, Oppenlander is currently the major site for youth baseball. If the School District ever decides to stop maintaining or surplus this property, West Linn should take over maintenance or seek ownership to keep this important resource available to the community.
    • 2019 P&R 20-year plan (pg 56) … Explore a partnership or joint-use agreement with the School District to improve and manage this site as a high-level sports facility with artificial turf and field lighting.
      • Oppenlander, as envisioned in the 20-year plan, is not only recreation and open park space, but it is also being considered as a source of increased economic benefit to the city as out of town visitors come to West Linn to participate in on-site games and tournaments.

City Council has heard us these past three weeks – but they need to hear from EACH of us one more time again!

Click on the Video link in the menu to see the news clips and full rally videos from last weekend.

watch video button

It’s NOT a Done Deal Yet – We Must Keep the Pressure On!

Please continue sharing and asking your friends, and neighbors to sign the petitions at

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